I'm back in Nashville after a wonderful yet fleeting stay with my family in Florida. I might have been feeling the winter blues the past couple of weeks, but a few days with my crazy family has me re-charged.

I really didn't think I was going to run at all while in Florida. But much to my surprise, two of my sisters and I ran a couple miles on Christmas Eve. By the end of the run the pedometer said 2.4 miles, however there was definitely a few bouts of walking and chatting so I'd say we ran a solid two miles. I was the motivator on this run, which is a brand new role for me. Historically, I'm pretty awesome at being the complainer, not so much the motivator type. But I think I did a good job. Kaitlyn stayed with me throughout the entire run - naturally she wanted to chit-chat the entire run but I put a firm stop to that after about five paces (I hate talking during a run while Kaitlyn never stops talking ever, no really... ever). Allison became a lost cause when she decided she wanted to stick to a leisurely stroll after about a mile, which is totally fine because if the skinny-minnie works out any more she'd probably vanish into thin air.
Anddd... as an added bonus, Santa sent me many running outfits and other necessary running gear (that I never would have thought I needed). I'm very, very thankful :)