Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Day 22

Oh okay, so this is a funny story.  Remember that post when I wrote that I purposely pick a treadmill next to someone (preferably someone who looks fast or is a good looking male) to get motivated to run longer and faster?  Keep that in mind as you read this.

So yesterday I was supposed to run three miles.  So I got on the treadmill next to this dude.  We both started running at the same time and ended up running at the exact same pace.  It was perfect.  At 2.64 miles I looked over to his treadmill and his read 2.69, so I bumped my speed up a couple notches to catch up to him (see!  My theory works).  Three miles pass and I start walking.  Almost immediately the guy looks over and says "You're giving up on me already?  I'm pacing myself to you for motivation!"  True story.  So we start chatting and Joe is now my new YMCA-gym-running-friend.

Tonight I (actually, we) ran....
3 miles

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