Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011 - Year of the Marathon!

It's 2011, which means this year I'm running a marathon.  Wow.

Alright let us recap the last 3 days...

On Wednesday I ran a fast 2 miles and strength trained.  I was weight lifting next to a guy and when I looked at him in the mirror, he was looking and pointing at my reflection.  I then turned to him and smiled because I was wearing my Marist College t-shirt and he was wearing a Vassar College sweatshirt.  In his words, "we just had a weird Poughkeepsie moment."

I rested on Thursday.

Yesterday (Friday) was the first time I ran 3 miles outside.  I ran from Belmont (starting right across the street from PM) then down Music Row to Demonbreum and back up Music Row.  It was 3.2 miles exactly.  I definitely could have pushed for 4 miles.  But I didn't.  Next time.  After the run, I looked at my cool free pedometer I got from work and it read 1.5 miles... which was obviously wrong.  This means either it's broken (a good chance since it was a free pedometer) or that I accidentally reset it halfway through the run.  Which also means that there's a 50/50 chance that when I ran with my sister in Florida we ran much farther than she bargained for (this would explain the excessive complaints).

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